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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

About a year ago, I started realizing that my time away from work pretty much revolved around sitting in front of the television. I wanted to do something to get outside and start enjoying my time, so I began focusing on recreational activities and sports. I began going through and really spending time getting to the gym, and the difference was astounding. Within a few short months I really started feeling a lot better, and I knew that I owed it all to having fun, burning some calories, and making some muscle. This blog is here to help other people to enjoy time with their families and check out all of the great things you can do for fun.


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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

Things Your Child Will Learn In Karate Class

by Herbert Richards

Getting your child involved with the martial art of karate at a young age can lead to a long list of advantages. In addition to the physical fitness that your child will get out of this pursuit, they'll likely feel more confident because they know how to defend themselves should the need ever arise. Many karate schools have different programs for children of many ages, so it's easy to find a program that will work for your child — regardless of what prior experience they may or may not have with martial arts of any type. Here are some important things that your child will learn in their karate class.


Striking is a key part of karate, but there's a specific way to do it. Your child's instructors will introduce a variety of striking techniques to the students and show them how to perform each one. Karate is a martial art that involves striking with the hands and feet, so your child will learn how to throw punches and chops with both hands, while also learning several different kicks. There are so many different strikes used in karate that your child can start to work on those that are basic before eventually focusing on those that are more complex.


Another important karate skill is blocking the attack of an opponent, which your child will get to practice in drills with other students. They'll learn how to use their hands and forearms to get in the way of an opponent's strike and dull the impact. Blocking is important because it allows the young karate student to maintain their balance and be ready to launch a counterattack, compared to perhaps running away and being out of position to strike back. This is a valuable skill to employ not only while training with an opponent, but it can also be important should your child need to defend themselves outside of the karate school.

Body Positioning

Karate uses a number of different body positions, commonly known as stances, and your child will get a chance to learn many of them. The right stance is critical for a number of reasons. It will allow your child to strike at their opponent while also being prepared to block an attack. Stances require being light on your feet, which will allow your child to skillfully move in toward an opponent and then back or to the side to be out of harm's way.

For more information on kid's martial arts, contact a professional near you.
