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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

About a year ago, I started realizing that my time away from work pretty much revolved around sitting in front of the television. I wanted to do something to get outside and start enjoying my time, so I began focusing on recreational activities and sports. I began going through and really spending time getting to the gym, and the difference was astounding. Within a few short months I really started feeling a lot better, and I knew that I owed it all to having fun, burning some calories, and making some muscle. This blog is here to help other people to enjoy time with their families and check out all of the great things you can do for fun.


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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

Points To Check When You Shop For A Seesaw

by Herbert Richards

When many children enter a playground space, one of the first attractions that they'll approach is the seesaw. While simple in design, this device can provide countless hours of entertainment for kids. If you're buying equipment to set up a playground, you'll definitely want a seesaw for kids of all ages to enjoy. In addition to providing a good source of exercise, it can also teach children how to work cooperatively. A playground equipment supplier will have several seesaw options, and you'll want to check out these points before you decide which one to buy. 


When you think of a seesaw, you might picture a device that holds one child at each end. This style is popular, but there are also seesaws that offer more capacity. A common example is a seesaw that has two seats at each end. A seesaw with a larger capacity is ideal because more children can enjoy it at the same time. Instead of two kids using it while others wait their turn, four kids can jump on and play together concurrently. If you anticipate that your playground space will be crowded, a larger-capacity seesaw can be a good choice.

Seat Design

Some simple seesaws have a flat area that serves as a seat, but you'll also see models that have more elaborate seat designs. A contoured plastic seat mounted to the metal bar of the seesaw, for example, is a popular option. This seat provides more comfort for children as they play. The last thing that you want is for kids to cut their play sessions short because they're not comfortable. When you choose a higher-end seesaw with a better seat design, you won't have to worry about this issue.


Most seesaws today have a handle that is positioned in front of the seat, allowing children to have a solid structure to hold while they rock back and forth. When you look at different seesaws, you'll see that the handle design can vary. Some handles are a metal loop, while others are coated in plastic or rubber. Those with a coating can be favorable on hot days. A bare metal handle could be hot for a child's hands, which could compel them to use the seesaw without hanging on. Heat won't be an issue with a plastic or rubber handle, which will ensure that children hang on while they use the device.

Shop for a seesaw at a playground equipment supplier, such as Jammin Playgrounds Inc.
