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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

About a year ago, I started realizing that my time away from work pretty much revolved around sitting in front of the television. I wanted to do something to get outside and start enjoying my time, so I began focusing on recreational activities and sports. I began going through and really spending time getting to the gym, and the difference was astounding. Within a few short months I really started feeling a lot better, and I knew that I owed it all to having fun, burning some calories, and making some muscle. This blog is here to help other people to enjoy time with their families and check out all of the great things you can do for fun.


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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

Need a New Waterproof Hunting Backpack? Seek Out These Features

by Herbert Richards

Are you in need of a new backpack for hunting that is waterproof and functional? If so, it will help to seek out a backpack that has the following features.

Rifle or Bow Attachment 

One feature that you'll want to have is a place to mount your rifle or bow on the backpack itself. Some backpacks have a simple hook that you can clip your rifle or bow to, while a more premium backpack is going to have an extendable pocket that the bottom of the bow or rifle can rest in. The pocket is adjustable as well and will prevent your equipment from hanging on to a single attachment point and give it more stability when walking. 

Roll Attachment

Another nice feature is located at the bottom of the backpack, which allows you to strap a rolled-up item to it. This can be great for bringing along a large item that is too big to fit in the backpack, such as a tent. However, it can also be used for rolling up a jacket or other fabric items that are too big to stuff into the backpack. 

Rain Slip

Having a built-in rain slip can be a nice feature to have since it is always going to be with you when it starts raining. An attached rain slip should fit into a small pocket of the backpack, which can quickly be pulled out and slipped over the entire backpack. Even if the backpack is waterproof to protect the contents inside, a rain slip is nice to keep the outside dry as well. Then you won't be setting a wet backpack down inside once you are at your campsite or back at home.

Water Bottle or Hydration Pack Holder

It's important to stay hydrated while out hunting, which is why a water bottle holder can be very handy. These are typically on the side of the backpack and have an attachment point for the water bottle so that it does not fall out of your backpack unexpectedly. It also should be in a place that is easy to reach while you are wearing the backpack. 

A premium backpack may offer a hydration pack holder, which is when you have a bag in the backpack that contains water, with a tube that is fed out through holes in the backpack so that it can easily reach your mouth. This can be more convenient if you are wearing your backpack the entire time you are out hunting. 

To learn more, visit a weatherproof hunting backpack supplier near you. 
