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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

About a year ago, I started realizing that my time away from work pretty much revolved around sitting in front of the television. I wanted to do something to get outside and start enjoying my time, so I began focusing on recreational activities and sports. I began going through and really spending time getting to the gym, and the difference was astounding. Within a few short months I really started feeling a lot better, and I knew that I owed it all to having fun, burning some calories, and making some muscle. This blog is here to help other people to enjoy time with their families and check out all of the great things you can do for fun.


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Enjoying My Free Time With My Kids

Selecting A Pool Table For Your Basement Hangout Space

by Herbert Richards

Nothing makes for a basement hangout space quite like a pool table. You can gather with friends, drink a few beers, and shoot some pool. It's like being at the bar without the high drink prices! Choosing the right pool table for your basement hangout space is harder than it may seem, though. You don't always realize it until you get into the process, but there are a lot of different pool table options. Here are some top features and characteristics to consider as you make your selection.


Most of the pool tables you see at bars are 8 feet long, but unless you have a really big, open basement, you're probably not going to want an 8-foot table down there. They're not only too long for the average basement space, but getting them downstairs and into the basement gets a lot harder when they're that big. Most pool table companies also make smaller, 7-foot tables, which tend to be more ideal for home use. You won't feel too much of a difference playing on a 7-foot table versus an 8-foot, especially once you do it a few times. Most are actually made with narrower barriers and edges than you see on 8-foot tables, so you don't even have a full foot less of playing space.

Collapsible Structure

Do check that the table comes apart, folds, or collapses in some way. Many 7-foot tables do since they are made to be used in homes and tighter spaces. This is important not only because you want to be able to fit the pool table into the basement, but also because at some point in the future, you may want to store it and use the basement for another purpose. If you buy a table that folds up, you can lay it against the wall and get it out of the way.

Removable, Cleanable Cover

It is only a matter of time before someone spills their drink on the pool table. You want to be able to clean the table up well — not just leave the liquid residue on the soft, absorbent pool tabletop. Look for a pool table that has a removable cover so you can gather it up and put it through the wash when this happens. You'll appreciate having a clean pool table that doesn't smell up the whole basement!

With the tips above, you should be able to find a pool table that fits in your basement and is fun and easy to use. For more information about buying different sized pool tables, like 7-foot pool tables, contact a local seller.
